Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Athens today....

No need for words today.... just pics.

picture source:  Athens Indymedia


  1. ντροπή...για άλλη μια φορά κυλάμε στη βία και την αγανάκτηση. και που θα μας βγάλει αυτό...;

  2. Μια εικόνα 1000 λέξεις, πολλά τα συναισθήματά μας. Μπράβο για την ανάρτηση και Καλώς σε βρήκα!!!

  3. Καλώς ήλθες Κiki! Πολλά συναισθήματα, όντως...

  4. hope Vs disappointment
    peace Vs violence
    lies Vs truth
    honesty Vs thievery
    Hellas Vs greece

  5. Time to pick sides I guess dear Cat Pet...! Well said.

  6. Oh my goodness! I heard about what was going on today in Athens. It's one thing to hear about it on the radio and another to see it in photos.

  7. I'm still amazed we don't hear about this in the U.S. unless we go looking for it.

    :( Take care, honey!

  8. Oh, my gosh! I've got to read the international news about your country more carefully. I'd heard there were anti-austerity protests but no idea things were devolving to this.

  9. @Kimmie - I know dear, it's so shocking...

    @Ashley - Darling, we don't hear it either!! We have to search through the internet to get the truth.

    @Shy - I know. People were peacefully demonstrating for more than 20 days... Somehow, yesterday was reported that a group of people tried to create chaos and started acting violently. Those people had their faces covered. Media say they were anarchists... The crowd tried to prevent that group from acting violently and they even made a "citizen's arrest". The person arrested had a police badge... But you don't get that version through the news of course.... just saying..

  10. I saw about it in the news last night. I't just horrible.

  11. Thank you dear. You're so right... I appreciate your support.. It's a perfect example of how people of Germany and Greece have nothing against each other, no matter what the media say... We're all hardworking people and the rest are political games... Kisses :)

  12. καλά και τα προβοκάτσια έχουν και τα όρια τους , όσα συνέβησαν χθες δείχνουν το πόσο αισχρή έχει καταντήσει η κυβέρνηση.Ο κόσμος δεν πρέπει να φοβάται , αυτοί μας φοβούνται!!!

  13. Just popping over from Leia's blog.

    I watched some of this on tv last night, absolutely horrific. Politics is such a nightmare here!


  14. Μετά από αυτές τις (στημένες-υποκεινούμενες-οργανωμένες) εικόνες ντροπής και το καραγκιοζιλίκι που παίχτηκε μεταξύ των "ηγετών" των δύο "μεγάλων" κόμματων, μόνο μία λέξη μου έρχεται στο μυαλό... ΠΡΟΔΟΣΙΑ! Όλοι αυτοί που μας κυβερνάνε δεν είναι κλέφτες αλλά ΠΡΟΔΟΤΕΣ!

  15. @A BRIT GREEK - Hello dear and welcome! It's such a big mess... you're so right.. :(

    @Anzouya - Aγαπητή, νομίζω ότι αυτός ο τόπος έχει να δει "ηγέτες" πολύ καιρό! Δεν ξέρω πώς να αποκαλέσω όλους αυτούς τους κυρίους... το προδότες μου κάνει!

  16. Ααα ήρθες τελικά εε;;Περιμένω εντυπώσεις!

  17. I had no idea that this was happening. I suck when it comes to knowing about current events. (Unless it is pop culture.)
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  18. Problem is it's getting crazier dear Vic...!

  19. oh no....its kind of chaos???=( take care dimi...and thanks for the Uo share, always wanted to own a pair of Melissas jelly!!
