Sunday, May 22, 2011

25 getting to know you questions

 Hello people! How are you? I found this lovely game of questions and answers over at my friend Wendy's blog! She's an awesome stylish lady that lives in Johannesburg! (How exotic is that? Right? Right?)

 I love getting to know you all more, so I'm stealing Wendy's game and I give you my answers after each question! Check them out and tag yourself if you feel like it!! Φιλάκια!! (that's kisses in greek!)

25 Getting to know you questions

1. What time did you go to bed last night and were you alone? 
-It was 1.30 pm and I sleep with lovely G.! (lucky girl!)

2. If you could be given ANY gift what would it be?
-The gift of touching people and making them realize how important it is to have love, respect,values and health in your life. I would eventually make them share everything and stop war, fighting, politics and bring peace to the world. (and save all the third world countries!)

3. What was the last film that really moved/disturbed/thrilled you and why? 
-We saw "Ed Wood" a couple of nights ago and I was really disturbed by many things. Especially by the story of B. Lugosi and by Ed's irresponsible (according to me) behavior.

4. What is your favourite TV show of all time i.e. you've seen them all, can watch it over and over again and quote lines from it? 
-I guess a mix of "Friends" and "Sex and the City". 

5. What's your favourite way to wake up and what's the first thing you do? 
-Wake up next to my boy (especially on days off), get breakfast in bed and cuddle!!! 

6. What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name? 
-I think I'm over that phase when you hate your name and I totally feel like a "Dimitra" now!

7. If you had to do a bushtucker challenge (you have to eat insects/grubs etc) what would be the worst thing you had to eat? 
-Why would I ever do that? Ewwwww!

8. What's the worst/most embarrassing CD/Album you've ever owned and do you still have it? 
-I like all music for the right reasons.
9. What would be your dream vehicle (bikes, cars, boats, bat-car and millennium falcon is allowed!)? 
-Can I choose teleportation? If not, black-holes? But I settle for a private jet too... I'm humble really!

10. What's your favourite fantasy people sandwhich? 
-My what?? G. is enough for now!

11. What characteristics do you dislike in yourself? 
-Too many to start bothering!

12. Your favourite item of clothing and why? 
-DRESSES!! I look like a woman, without really trying.

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be and who would it be with? 
-French Polynesia! I just want to live there happily with G. and freeze time!

14. If you could have any animal/creature, what would be your ultimate pet be? 
-A pretty huge aquarium, complete with sharks, piranhas and other exotic species! And corals too! (...and mermaids, if they existed!)

15. What did you want to be when you were little and do you think you ever will be? 
-A singer, an actress, a doctor! I'm none, but you never know, right?

16. Whats the next planned event you're looking forward to in your life? 
-A party with my mother's colleagues next month! With barbeque and nice food!

17. What were you doing before you started this? 
-Watching "Friends" with G. during lunch!

18. What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldn't? 
-I enjoy all my food and never regret it. (I'm now eating ice-cream!!)

19. If you were an ice cream/haagen daz/ben an jerrys flavour what would you be? 
-I'm not familiar with those types of ice-cream, but in general mocha or hazelnut.

20. Who was the last person you spoke to that you didn't want to talk to?
-I can't think of any right now!

21. What was your favourite toy as a child  . . .and now? 
-Barbies!! Many many barbies.. Now, I'd go for board-games and puzzles. 

22. When was the last time you cried laughing and why? 
-I don't think I laugh that much. But I smile a lot!!

23. What is stashed under your bed/mattress? 

24. What did you dream about last night? 
-Fighting zombies. (can you sense some anxiety there? Nah.)

25. What are you really afraid of? 
-Sickness, pain, loosing your mind, dying before everybody I love, dying after everybody I love... many, many more things. (I'm not that brave, see?)


  1. I could watch Sex & the City all the time too!

  2. ... On repeat!! I just love it! :)

  3. My brother and I both have the complete series of 'Friends' and we have seen it countless times, together and by ourselves. And now we use it as our own secret code. "Do you remember when Rachel [something something]?" and then point at whatever we're gossiping about and only the two of us know what's going on.

    Or there is this boardgame where you have to explain a thing or a concept and you're not allowed to use a list of very related words, well that's very easy for us using 'Friends'.

    For example "ice cream" and the list of forbidden words -dairy -cold -dessert -ben&jerry's/haagen dasz. All we would have to say is "Chanlder doesn't like puppies and Ross doesn't like...." and the other would yell "ice cream".

    We always win this game because of Friends and our family says we're cheating, but really we aren't!

    And when we visited Central Perk at the Warner Brother Studios we were happy as clams! Here we are sitting on the famous orange couch with out mom and her husband:

  4. The photo is awesome!!! You even got the big cups!! I love it! And that game with the word-describing is also one of my favorites!! I'm with you guys - technically it's not cheating!! :)

  5. huh...G is everything in every part ha? lol....and some are funny, I love the no.2 answer, also , yeah, why not a private jet if I can afford it...ugh!! good job dimi!!

  6. Yeah...we're one of those obnoxious couples that you kind of hate cause they're glued on each other! I admit it!! And of course money is not a problem in my wish-list!!

  7. LOL at learning about fighting zombies!


  8. Yeap! And I'm pretty good at it!! Thinking of adding that to my resume!! Kisses :)

  9. Giati grafeis sta agglika? Sorry gia to 3ekarfwto

  10. Για να κάνω "διεθνή καριέρα" σαν την Άντζελα dear!! Εξάλλου παλεύοντας για να βρω δουλειά τα τελευταία 15 χρόνια και όντας ακόμα άνεργη, η μετανάστευση δεν είναι καθόλου μακριά!! (όχι ότι θα το επέλεγα). Οπότε... να έχουμε και κανένα γνωστό στην ξενιτιά..! Και επειδή δούλευα με κάτι αμερικάνους που νόμιζα ότι θα δούλευα και φέτος και έλεγα να δώσω και το ρημάδι το Proficiency (γιατί τα κάνω συλλογή, είναι φετίχ, από μικρή το είχα να μαζεύω χαρτούρα), κάνω practice. Αυτά... Καλώς ήρθες στο blog μου! Ελπίζω να σε κάλυψα!! :)

  11. Absolutely inspiring!

  12. Fantastic post and inspiring! :D


  13. Thank you dear! I'm so thrilled I inspire people! Wow!!

  14. I could also watch Sex and the City all the time! It is my favourite tv show. ANd this was a fun game, I might do it too sometime =)

  15. It was fun! Link back if you do it!! :)

  16. My favourite item of clothing is a dress also (they look great and so effortless!) I also LOVE Sex & The City- I've probably seen every episode 4x and I can't get enough!

  17. Never saw Ed Wood, but want to soooo bad! Friends is one of my favorite TV shows :) this was fun to read!

  18. Nice to hear your answers girls! Sara, please watch it and tell me what you think! Kisses :)

  19. oh my gosh, my mums name is dimitra too! (well dimitroula but dimitra for short)
    Loved reading a bit more about you :)

  20. I like these kinds of post, where you get to know the blogger ! :) High5!

    And thanks for your really nice comment ^^ And to answer your question about the Pirates 4 movie- it was OK. I mean it was good, but not as good as the first 3 ones, I'd say... (and def not worth watching in 3D. haha.. there were practically no effects whatsoever..)

  21. Internet high5!! Many people said that about 3D!! Thanks for the feedback!! Kisses :)

  22. Yayyyyyy, "Friends"!! It's still the best show ever.
    Your list of fears sounds like my list of fears. It's endless.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  23. I know! I guess we're not that scary after all!! :)

  24. I liked your list! I especially had a giggle at the learning to like your name part. I've started thinking maybe I'm more of a "Jennifer" now. Hee hee. I hated it for a long time because it seems every 3rd girl born in the States during the 70's was named Jennifer.


    P.S. I've found a way around the whole computer not letting me comment but I have to do it as anonymous.

  25. Hey Jenn!! I can't help you with technology problems, but I sure missed your comments!! Jennifer may be a common name in the States, but think of the impact you would have abroad! (you say Jennifer, I hear Lopez!! Or Aniston!). Have a nice day!! :)

  26. πολλλέςς ερωτήσεις!! πολλές απαντήσεις!!
    το ed wood δεν έχω καταφέρει να το δω ολόκληρο!!
    δεν θα σου απαντήσω στα αγγλικά

    ααα και αν θες βγάλε την λεκτική επαλήθευση!!

  27. Αγαπητή... δεν είχα ιδέα ότι είχα την επαλήθευση, είμαι τόσο σχετική!!!! Και όχι τίποτα άλλο, αναρωτιόμουν γιατί το βάζουνε αυτό το πράγμα!! Χιχι - απερίγραπτη!! Το έβγαλα μετά από κόπο!! Έσωσες κόσμο από ταλαιπωρία και εμένα από διάφορους χαρακτηρισμούς!! Ευχαριστώ πολύ!! Απάντα όπως θες, είμαστε international!! (τα greeklish δεν πολυσυμπαθώ μόνο!). Η ταινία είναι λίγο "βαριά", βοηθάει να διαβάσεις την ιστορία του σκηνοθέτη (επίσημα ο χειρότερος ever) και του Μπέλα Λουγκόζι!! Να' σαι καλά!! :)

  28. finding out more about you makes me like you even more and more! don't give up hope on becoming and actor/singer/doctor. i'm sure there's a show where you could be all three.


  29. Hi :) Nice blog you got there, I was wonderin if we could be friends and follow each others blogs? ^__^ Thank youuuu.~

  30. @TRACY - In fact I wanted to be a forensic surgeon dear Tracy! I was 12 and when people asked me how would I cope with the dead people, I was pretty sure I'd have the best and most quiet clients! That failed big time (thank god for the rest of humanity obviously!) and I settle for CSI, House and horror movies now!!
    Feelings are mutual - Kisses!

    @Kristina - Of course we can!! Who can say no to new friends? Welcome on board!! :)

  31. "dying before everybody I love, dying after everybody I love..." this just about sums up the human condition

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